Contractor Rules

The Courtyards of West Hollywood Homeowner’s Association, Inc. Contractor Rules

The Contractor Rules are intended to help avoid damage to common areas, preserve the building’s architectural integrity, and minimize problems. Because violations could result in fines, suspension of work, suspension of privileges, and/or litigation, please take time to read these Rules and ask questions about anything you do not understand.

Section 1 Insurance & Safety

A. Licensed and Insured. Only licensed and insured contractors, subcontractors, and vendors are allowed to make alterations to, direct alterations to, oversee alterations to, or make decisions affecting the Association’s common areas. Even if licensed and insured, individuals and companies may be banned from the building if, in the opinion of the Board, they are unreliable, unsafe or establish a pattern of violating the Association’s rules and standards. The insurance shall be maintained for the duration of the project. Certificates of insurance shall be submitted to the office prior to the commencement of work.
i. Worker’s Compensation. Contractors shall maintain Worker’s Compensation insurance for all persons performing services described in this Agreement, with a thirty-day prior written notice to the Association of any cancellation, termination or expiration of the insurance.
ii. Commercial General Liability. Contractors shall maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance (i) in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, with a $2,000,000.00 aggregate, (ii) in an occurrence form (not modified-occurrence or claims-made), (iii) with the Association named as additional insured, (iv) the coverage must be primary and not contributory with the Association’s own policies, and (v) with a thirty-day prior written notice to the Association of any cancellation, termination or expiration of the insurance. Any deficiency in meeting the required insurance must be made up by an individual homeowner or vendor insurance provider.
iii. Automobile Liability. For vehicles brought onto the property, contractors shall maintain automobile liability insurance (i) in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 combined single limit per occurrence, (ii) bodily injury and property damage liability, to include comprehensive form, (iii) owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles, and (iv) with a thirty 2 (30) day prior written notice to the Association of any cancellation, termination or expiration of insurance.
B. OSHA Safety Standards. All OSHA safety standards must be followed. Other than interior balcony work, any work on the exterior of the building requires the use of OSHA approved safety belts.
C. Supervisor. Due to safety concerns, an English speaking supervisor is required to be onsite at all times until the project has been completed and must be an employee of a licensed and insured contractor who is in charge of the project.
D. Fire Safety. Any fire-safety deficiencies discovered during the course of repairs and/or remodeling must be repaired by the owner upon discovery and the Association must be notified of the deficiency in writing and the proposed corrective action.
i. Fire Alarm System. Any work involving the alarm system must be done by “Fire Call” at 800-525-3473.
ii. Smoke Detectors. Each day, prior to the commencement of construction, the smoke detectors in the unit must be covered to prevent false alarms from construction dust. The covers must be installed and removed on a daily basis.
iii. Fire Watch. If the fire alarm system or fire sprinkler system is disconnected for any reason, the Association and the Fire Department must be notified immediately. The Association will post a “fire watch” until the system is reconnected. All expenses including any overtime shall be paid by the Member.
E. Pets, Children, Clothing, etc. Workers are not allowed to bring minors or pets onsite and will be denied entry if they have a child or animal with them. All workers must wear shoes, pants or shorts, and shirts at all times. Workers are also prohibited from bringing radios onsite or creating nuisance noise unrelated to the construction work and are prohibited from eating meals or taking breaks in common areas.
F. No Drugs or Alcohol. No alcoholic beverages, intoxicants, drugs or other controlled substances are permitted to be brought onto Association property or used by workers.
G. High Wind Danger. Whenever windows are removed, all materials, equipment, and unit furnishings must be moved away from the opening and properly secured. High winds can unexpectedly blow materials out of the unit and onto the street below. Significant fines will be levied if this occurs.

Section 2 Demolition and Noise Rules

a. Notice of Construction. Prior to the start of construction you must notify the surrounding units (adjacent, above and below) of the start date for the construction, that there will be noise associated with the construction, the name of the supervisor, and his phone number, with a copy to the office.
b. Noise Abatement. Whenever demolition is involved, efforts must be made to minimize noise into surrounding units.
i. Jackhammers and Impact Hammers. Jackhammers are prohibited. Impact hammers for chipping are permitted but must be minimized wherever possible. Management office approval must be obtained prior to using impact hammers.
ii. Cover Floors During Demolition. Carpet or some kind of sound-deadening material must be laid over the floors so noise transmission though the floor into the unit below is minimized.
iii. Compressors. Whenever compressors are used they must be boxed and put on a rubber pad so as to contain the noise and avoid transmission through the slab.
iv. Drywall Removal. Drywall shall be removed without any power tools, hammers or crowbars. Instead, it shall be removed with utility knives and/or hand drywall saws and pulled away from the walls and ceiling by hand so as to minimize any noise or vibration into surrounding units, as well as any potential damage to common areas.
c. Window Replacements. So as to minimize the potential for rain damage, windows may not be removed until replacement windows are already onsite and ready for installation. You must notify the Management Office prior to installing temporary barricades. Barricades must meet all OSHA requirements, and must be treated with fire retardant materials.
d. Floor Penetration & Cuts. Jackhammers are prohibited. All areas which will be saw-cut, core-drilled or have drilled inserts installed must be examined with x-rays or other devices which will identify the location of reinforcing steel and/or utility lines in the slab so as to avoid damaging the reinforcing steel. Prior to any x-rays, the contractor must notify the Management Office and any affected units at least five (5) business days prior to the scheduled work. Any reinforcing steel accidentally cut must be repaired and the Management Office must be immediately notified about the damage. Plans for repair must be submitted for review by the Association. All slab penetrations require acoustical isolation of all lines from the slab and sealing of the penetration with code-compliant fireproofing material.
e. Trash & Debris. All trash and debris must be carried off-site on a daily basis at the Member’s sole cost and expense. The trash chutes and trash bins inside the building cannot be used for disposing of debris.
f. Containment of Dust and Dirt. All dust, dirt, noise, fumes, etc. must be contained in the Unit. In particular, all doors into the common areas must be protected in such a manner as to prevent dust and dirt from flowing into the common area hallways. To protect from dust and debris being circulated to other units and the common areas, all HVAC units must be turned off and all registers (including kitchen and bathroom registers) must be covered during construction. Prior to reactivating the HVAC, drain lines must be cleaned and filters replaced.

Section 3 General Construction Rules

A. Parking. Contractors and suppliers delivering materials must use street parking. Parking in the driveway and blocking access to the building parking areas are prohibited.B. Construction Hours. Working hours are limited to Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No equipment or supplies may be moved onto or off site except during these times. No work is allowed on Sundays or the following holidays: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day or any additional holidays where the management office is closed, with the exception of Saturday. The Association reserves the right to spot check the Unit to ensure all workmen are off property during off hours.
C. Building Access. Name tags and contractor ID must be worn and prominently displayed by construction personnel at all times. Workers may not prop open security doors and gates or leave any opened gate or door unattended to facilitate their entry.
D. Access to Locked Rooms. Access to locked rooms, such as the telephone room or meter rooms, require at least 24 hours prior arrangement with the management office, except in the event of an emergency where property damage may ensue.
E. Inspection Card. The Building Department’s inspection card must be posted at the job site throughout construction.
F. Industry Standards. All construction must meet or exceed industry standards.
G. Work Location. All work must be done inside the Unit. Workers may not set up or store equipment in hallways, lobbies, balconies, or parking structures. Everything must be stored in the Unit.
H. Doors. No doors shall be propped open at any time.
I. No Balcony Storage. No equipment or construction materials may be stored on balconies or patios, or in common areas, or garages. All equipment and material must be stored inside the Unit or taken off-site.
J. Protection of Common Area Floors. All common area floors must be protected with Masonite which shall be taped at the edges with painter or masking tape (duct tape is prohibited from the service elevator and/or stairwells in to the Unit). Appropriate warning signs indicating the presence of such floor coverings must be placed in conspicuous locations in the common areas. The covering must be removed and the floor cleaned prior to 5:00 p.m. each day. If this is not done, Member will be charged for the cost of removing the covering and cleaning the floors.
K. Elevators. The elevator must be padded at all times. The elevator must also be cleaned when the pads are removed. If this is not done, Member will be charged for the cost of cleaning the elevators. Workmen must give priority to residents and staff for use of the elevator.
L. Water Shut-Offs. Water shut-offs may only be done Monday through Thursday between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. At least (5) working days notice must be given to the Association. There will be a charge for shut-offs as follows: (i) 1st shut-off, not charge, (ii) 2nd shut-of, $250.00 (iii) thereafter, $500.00 per shut-off. All monies must be paid in advance.
M. Concealed Conditions. Any concealed conditions, Building Code violations and/or deficiencies discovered during the Project must be reported to the management office in writing immediately for association review. . This includes any common area deficiencies found within the project.
N. Painting. No oil-based paints or lacquers may be used inside the unit. So as to minimize the infiltration of water-based painting fumes into the rest of the building, fans must be used to blow such fumes out of the building.
O. Hot-Mopping. Hot-mopping is allowed for tub and shower pans. However the materials must be transported in sealed containers to contain the odors, and fans must be set up to remove odors from the unit.
P. No Association Equipment. Workers must use their own equipment. No equipment which is the property of Association may be used at any time. Workers are prohibited from using common area electrical outlets to power their equipment.
Q. No Signs. No signs are permitted to be displayed in or around the Unit. Contractors are prohibited from distributing advertising brochures.
R. Diligent Construction. The project must be completed within six (6) months from the start of construction.

Section 4 Enforcement Provisions

A. Monetary Penalties. Violation of the Association’s contractor rules could result in monetary penalties as follows: (i) first violation, up to $500.00, (ii) second violation, $100.00 to $700.00, (iii) third violation, $500.00 to $1,000.00, (iv) additional violations, up to $3,000.00.
B. Suspension of Work. In addition to monetary penalties, work may be stopped and/or workers suspended from the project.
C. Expulsion from the Building. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, workers and/or companies may be expelled from the building.
D. Legal Action. Depending on the violation, the Association may take legal action to enforce its rules and obtain damages.

Acknowledgement of Receipt and Agreement to Comply
The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the Contractor Rules and agrees to abide by its terms, including the enforcement provisions.

Contractor Rules