Rules and Regulations

Rules & Regulations
Revised Edition June 2003
Table of Contents
Section I Getting Along 4
Section II Security 6
Section Ill Fire Hazards 7
Section IV Emergency Reporting 9
Section V Parking Garages & Vehicle Regulations 11
Section VI Common Areas 15
Section VII Recyclables & Trash 18
Section VIII Laundry Rooms 20
Section IX Recreation Areas 21
Section X Moving 27
Section XI Pets 30
Section XII Architecture & Aesthetics 33
Section XIII Violations & Enforcement 35

Section 1: Getting Along
Living in such close proximity with our neighbors and sharing common areas with them places
special requirements on each of us.

It is the duty of Members of the Association to govern themselves and their tenants, family
members, guests and invitees. For this purpose, the Board of Directors has been given certain
powers by statute and in the CC&Rs and other governing documents of the Association, including
these Rules and Regulations. Any violations of any rule and/or regulation or provision
of the governing documents, including the CC&Rs, may result in a Courtesy Reminder, Urgency
Warning, Written Warning, Monetary Penalty Assessment or loss of privilege as may be
determined by the Board of Directors, consistent with statute and the governing documents.
(See Section XIII.)

Disputes arising between only two parties should be resolved between the parties. The Association’s
jurisdiction is over the well-being of the community at large.
The definitions of terms in these Rules & Regulations are as stated in article one of the

By obeying City and County Ordinances, and observing some basic tenets of common courtesy,
our living experience in The Courtyards will be greatly enhanced.

  • Noise
    Loud noises are prohibited at any time. In addition, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. to
    9:00 a.m. the following Rules apply:
    A. No noises or sounds may emanate from a unit or common area room, including
    without limitation voices, musical instruments, radios, CD players, or televisions,
    which may be heard more than 1 O feet from the unit or common area room.
    B. No noise may be generated outside a unit, including without limitation vehicle
    engines or voices, which may be heard more than 50 feet from the source.
    Please see Section 12 regarding construction noise.
  • Party Host Responsibilities
    The host of a party must make sure that there is no noise coming from his/her Unit after
    10 pm, and remind his/her guests to leave the Property quietly.
  • Sleeping Residents
    In consideration of the fact that many walkways, hallways, and other common areas
    adjoin individual Unit sleeping areas, residents and their guests may not disturb or
    cause to be disturbed the peace of others with unnecessary disturbances such as loud
    and boisterous noises, and loud conversation and laughter. All Residents and their
    guests should be especially sensitive to the privacy and peace of others at night and in
    the early morning when entering or leaving the Property.
  • Volume Monitoring
    To avoid the embarrassment of neighbors and / or the Sheriff showing up at your
    party, it is recommended that you notify the guard(s) if your party will extend past 10
    pm. They will gladly give a Courtesy Reminder if any noise emanates from your Unit.
  • Noise Complaints
    If you hear noise from a party or domestic disturbance in another Unit after 10 pm, it
    is recommended that you contact the guard(s).
  • Appliance Noise
    Do not use sound producing devices including, but not limited to, stereos, radios,
    televisions, musical instruments, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, disposal, exercise
    equipment, etc. after 10 pm and before 9 am, unless such noise is confined to your
    Unit. Please consider that people in Units beneath and above, and adjacent or
    across the hallway nay hear sounds emanating from your Unit. A request for quiet
    from a neighbor should serve as a Courtesy Reminder that you may be in violation
    of these Rules and Regulations.
  • Radios, Access Phones, Etc. in Common Areas
    Use of sound-producing devices is not permitted in the common area, unless earplugs
    or headphones are used at the listener’s own risk to safety. No long conversations
    on the entrance gate access phones. Be considerate of the noise at the entrances,
    especially late at night, since there is no handset!

    Section II: Security
    Give a simple greeting when you meet neighbors at the entrance door or within common areas. A simple
    “HELLO” or wave of the hand if in your car will suffice. This will not only make it easier to know who
    your neighbors are, it might help you spot unrecognized intruders. If you feel bold, and don’t know, ask if
    they live here. And if you are asked, please respond courteously or show your access key, or key card.
    Make an effort to know the names of nearby neighbors. The best way is to introduce yourself. You never
    know when you might have to call on one of them for help. If you are uncomfortable with this idea, at
    least let the Property Manager know how you can be reached if necessary.

    Residents are urged to maintain a diligent attitude toward maximum safety and security for themselves
    and their neighbors. Please note that other matters relating to specific security and safety issues are
    addressed elsewhere in this document, e.g. Moving, Recreation Areas, etc.
  • Key and Key Card Issuance
    Perimeter key cards or access keys are issued to Owners for access through perimeter entry
    gates. Access keys are issued to Owners for access to other facilities of the Complex. Owners
    will be issued a maximum of 6 perimeter key cards and or access keys. To obtain more keys,
    owners must provide the Location Manager with ten dollars per key. Issuance of such key cards
    and access keys by the Location Manager shall be in conformance with the Board of Directors’
    guidance and/or approval.
  • Loss or Theft of Key or Key Card
    Residents are responsible to immediately report loss or theft of access keys and/or key cards to
    the Property Manager. Additionally, the Board of Directors shall make, and may revise from time
    to time, policies regarding the issuance, return and costs, if any, of access keys and key cards.
    The current policy is available from the Property Manager.
  • Unauthorized Admittance
    Gates and entrances are to be used only by persons authorized to possess access keys and
    key cards or who are Owners, Residents or authorized invitees onto the Complex. Residents
    shall not admit any unknown person onto the Complex who is unable to display a Courtyards
    access key or key card.
  • Propping Open Gates or Doors
    No one shall cause any gate or door to be left open or propped open unattended or to be tampered
    with. Everyone must make sure the gates or doors latch shut behind them. Anyone who
    notices a gate or door left open or not latched must close it and/or notify the Guard or Property
    Manager and his/her staff immediately.
  • Evidence of Vacancy
    Newspapers or other items left in a hallway or other common area beyond a reasonable time
    may be removed and disposed of by the Property Manager or his/her staff. Residents who notice
    any accumulation of such items should notify the Property Manager. Therefore, Residents
    who are absent from home for extended periods should discontinue newspaper and other deliveries
    that may accumulate; or they may arrange with the Management Office or one of their
    neighbors to pick up newspapers and receive such deliveries.

    Emergency Phone Numbers
    Life Threatening Emergencies: 911 from a land line
    On-Site Property Manager (weekdays): (323) 656 -2296
    Guard: (800) 381-BOYD
    Top Notch Management Services (managing agent): (310) 782-9905
    Sheriff’s Department (non emergency number): (323) 650-4142

    Section Ill: Fire Hazards
  • Exterior Fires
    Pursuant to the CC&Rs, exterior fires are regulated as follows:

    A. Personal Barbecue Permits
    Use of barbecue receptacles on Patios, Roof Decks or Balconies must be approved
    by the Board of Directors. Issuance of a Barbecue Permit will require an adequately
    designed barbecue receptacle, a nearby fire extinguisher and consent of the Unit’s
    Owner(s), before the Board of Directors will approve such barbecue permit. Other
    requirements may include, but are not limited to, compliance with Air Quality Management
    District regulations. Only lighter fluid approved for use in Los Angeles
    County may be used. The Barbecue Permit may be revoked at any time for violation
    of the terms of the Barbecue Permit approval, such as excessive smoke or fire, or in
    the event any part of the common area is damaged near where the fire receptacle is

    B. Common Area Barbecues
    The permanently installed common area barbecues are deemed approved and are
    available on a first come, first use basis. Users must clean the area immediately after
    use and make sure the barbecue is safe to leave.

    C. Open Flame
    No one may have torches, candles, or any open flame in any part of the common
    areas, or on any of the Roof Decks, Patios or Balconies.
  • Outdoor Electrical Wiring
    No live electrical wires may extend from any Unit onto any Roof Deck, Patio or Balcony
    unless such wiring is in good condition, is actually in use, and is under the Resident(s)’
    watchful supervision. Any such wiring used externally shall be examined regularly by the
    Resident for weathering and fire hazards. Permanent installation of exterior wiring is prohibited
    by the CC&Rs and any request is subject to Board approval.
  • Fire Exit Signs
    If you notice “Fire Exit” signs which are not working or someone tampering with exit signs or
    fire pull-stations, .please notify the office immediately. Tampering with exit signs or pullstations
    will result in fines, suspension of privileges and the cost to repair the sign or pullstation.
  • Reporting Fire Hazards
    If you see any fire hazards on the property, please notify the office immediately.
  • Fireworks
    The storage and/or use of fireworks or any kind of explosive is prohibited.
  • Flammable Materials
    Except for Association operations and except for U.L. approved propane tanks designed for
    and used with U.L. approved barbecues, under no circumstances may explosives, fireworks,
    or highly flammable or highly corrosive materials be stored in Parking Areas, Common Areas,
    Exclusive-Use Common Areas, or Units.

    Section IV: Emergency Reporting
    Owners may share liability for accidents that occur within the Complex and so should immediately
    report items of maintenance and repair which are potential hazards so that action may be taken to
    reduce the risk, liability, -injury or damage. According to Section 3.27 of the 1992 Amended and Restated
    CC&Rs, notice of items of maintenance and repair is given when made in writing and/or sent
    by first class mail to the Property Manager.The following procedures are suggested for reporting
    emergency situations:
  • Emergency: Fires
    If safely accessible, pull the fire alarm and alert neighbors, then call 911 to inform emergency
    crews. Residents are advised that Monetary Penalty Assessments may be levied by the City
    and by the Board of Directors for any false alarms.
  • Emergency: Life-Threatening Situations
    In life-threatening situations, including fire, electrical shock / danger, drowning or serious
    injury, robberies or burglaries in progress, call 911 then the Guard (evenings) or the Property
    Manager (weekdays). In the event you cannot reach the Guard or the Property Manager, call
    the Management Company.
  • False Alarms
    Intentionally setting false alarms will result in significant fines and/or suspension privileges.
  • Suspicious Activity
    If you see suspicious activity, including, but not limited to, persons entering areas of the
    Property without an access key or perimeter key card, loitering in the garages, common areas
    or in hallways, report first to the Guard (evenings) or the Property Manager (weekdays).
    If either of these are not available, or, as a follow-up to reporting to the Guard or Property
    Manager, please notify the Management Company and the Sheriff so that they may coordinate
    investigations and take appropriate action, if any.
  • Follow-up for Crimes and Accidents

    If you are a victim of any crime or attempted crime on or about the Complex, whether
    or not any loss is covered by insurance, file a police report with the Sheriff and report
    the crime to the Property Manager. The Management Company works with local authorities
    to promote awareness and may ask you to authorize release of the crime
    report to the Board of Directors.

    B. Use of Information
    When a criminal incident or an accident happens in or around the Complex, the
    Board of Directors may not publish unauthorized information about the victim(s);
    however, the Board and the Management Company need to consider information
    about crimes, injuries and other incidents in making management decisions. The
    Board of Directors and the Management Company also may find patterns that help
    police to catch any perpetrators. Therefore, after the appropriate authorities have
    been contacted, always inform the Board of Directors of any such incident or accident.
  • Safety Hazards
    For any emergency not covered above call the Management Company or inform the
    Property Manager. An emergency includes any situation where failure to make immediate
    corrections could result in injury or property loss (e.g. a burst water pipe,
    power failures, etc.). If fees or charges are incurred to investigate an emergency call
    and it is determined that no emergency existed, but that the intent was malicious, the
    owner placing the call and identifying the situation as an emergency could be responsible
    for payment of those fees or charges.

    Section V: Parking Garages & Vehicle Regulations

    The North Garage and the South Garage (“garages”) refer to Parking Areas as described in
    the CC&Rs and the Condominium Plan.
  • Guest Parking
    There are no designated Guest Parking Spaces. Residents may allow their guests to park in
    their own assigned parking space(s).
  • Signs
    Any requirement or restriction stated on any posted sign in the garages must be obeyed.
  • Entering and Exiting
    Upon exiting the garages, operators of vehicles shall yield to pedestrians and incoming vehicles.
    In the South Garage, vehicles shall enter on Sweetzer Avenue and must exit on Kings
    Road as the signs indicate.
  • Speed Limit
    Moving vehicles must be operated at a safe speed at all times. In no case may a moving
    vehicle be operated faster than 10 miles per hour while in the garages.
  • Parking Authorization
    The only place on the Complex you may park a vehicle is in your assigned parking space(s).
    All vehicles must be parked within the dividing lines to each space. Any vehicle parked on or
    over the dividing line would be considered in violation.
  • Renting Spaces
    Only Unit Owners may rent or designate their assigned parking spaces and then exclusively
    to Courtyards Residents, provided the Owners register with the Property Manager the following
    – the Owner’s name, Unit number and telephone number where such Owner may be
    reached in case(s) of emergency;
    – the name, Unit number and emergency telephone number of the Resident who will be
    using the parking space;
    – a description of the vehicle to be parked there, including evidence of current registration,
    its license number, and any other reasonable information pertaining thereto as may be
    from time to time required by the Board of Directors.
  • Access to Parking
    No vehicle shall be parked in such a manner so as to impede or prevent ready access to
    and/or use of any entrance, or exit, or driveway or any of the parking spaces designated to
    another Resident or flow of traffic through the Complex.
  • Towing

    A. Blocking Space
    A vehicle in, encroaching upon, or blocking access to an Assigned Parking space
    may be towed by the Owner (or such Owner’s authorized representative) to which
    such space is assigned or designated. A vehicle parked completely within a Unit
    Owner’s Assigned or Designated Space(s) may only be towed by the Owner (or authorized
    representative of Owner) of such space, or as additionally provided by the

    B. Blocking Common Area
    A vehicle blocking driveways, gates, or areas posted “No Parking,” or parked in any
    common area except completely within any Assigned or Designated Parking Space
    (except as additionally provided for by the CC&Rs), may be towed by the Board of
    Directors ( or its authorized representative)

    C. Liability
    The Association assumes no responsibility and has no liability for any claims arising
    from the towing of any vehicle. All towing will be at the vehicle owner’s expense.
  • Washing Vehicles
    Washing vehicles within the Complex is not permitted at any time.
  • Vehicle Maintenance
    If minor emergency maintenance must be performed on vehicles within the garages, then
    such minor emergency maintenance must be performed in a manner that will not restrict or
    inhibit the use of the garages by others, or violate any of the other Rules. No other vehicle
    repairs may be made within the Complex.
  • Cleanliness
    To prevent damage as well as potential accidents, Owners are responsible for keeping their
    parking spaces free of oil and grease spills or leakages from vehicles. Owner(s) who fail to
    maintain clean parking space(s) may be assessed Monetary Penalty Assessments and/or
    damage assessments for cleaning such space(s) by Courtyards employees.
  • Other Activities
    Garages are for parking of vehicles and approved storage only. Residents or guests shall not
    conduct recreational activities, including, without limitation, bicycling, roller skating, roller
    blading, skateboarding, etc.; or permit access by pets or small children, except to gain access
    to a vehicle while accompanied by an adult.
  • Fire Hazard
    Nothing can be stored in the garages or storage sheds which creates a fire hazard.
  • Storage
    Storage of items within assigned or designated parking spaces may be permitted only with
    prior written approval on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Directors. Owners of items
    stored in such assigned or designated parking spaces without prior written approval of the
    Board of Directors subject themselves to Monetary Penalty Assessments and to removal of
    their stored items. The parking or storing in the garages or parking areas of any vehicle or
    item is entirely at the risk of the vehicle owner. The Courtyards of West Hollywood Homeowners
    Association, Inc. does not guard or assume care, custody or control of any Owner’s or
    Resident’s vehicle or of any items stored in any parking spaces or of the contents of any vehicle
    and is not responsible for fire, theft, damage, or loss.
  • Alarms
    The Owner(s) of any parking space(s) in which any vehicle with an audible alarm is parked
    or stored is/are held responsible for incidents in which such audible alarm, having become
    activated due to repeated negligence or malfunction is not silenced within ten (10) minutes
    after such activation, or which otherwise becomes a nuisance.
  • Noise
    Racing of vehicle engines is prohibited at any time.
  • Trespassing
    Trespassing across or invasion of restricted common areas is strictly prohibited, including,
    but not limited to, activities such as posting fliers on vehicles parked in the garages.
  • Current Registration of Vehicles
    All vehicles must display current registration and meet all California vehicle requirements.
    Vehicles must be kept in good working order and all tires fully inflated. Cars cannot give the
    appearance that they have been abandoned. Violations can result in fines and towing of the
    vehicle. If storage of a vehicle is required, owners must notify the management office and
    may be subject to Board inquiry.
  • Idling Engines
    Because of carbon monoxide and soot, engines may not be left idling any longer than necessary
    to move vehicles into or out of the parking areas.
  • Head Into Stalls
    If exhaust blackens the walls and or sheds, owners of said vehicles will be responsible for
    any and all costs associated with cleaning and owners may be put on notice by the Board to
    disallow backing into parking stalls.
  • Electric Vehicles
    No electric cars or other similar vehicles are permitted to be recharged except at the Member’s
  • Motorcycles
    All motorcycles must be properly muffled with engine and exhaust noise kept to a minimum.
    Engines may not be raced, gunned, or rewed in a manner which would disturb the quiet enjoyment
    of residents.

    Section VI: Common Areas

    The common area, as defined in Section 1.20 of the CC&Rs, shall not be obstructed or used in any
    manner which may impede, restrict, or inhibit the use and enjoyment of any Owner and/or Resident.
    Further, pursuant to CC&Rs Section 2.37, “Owner(s) shall be liable to the Association for any damage
    to … the common area or any improvements, landscaping or equipment thereon which may be
    sustained by the negligence or intentional act or omission of said Owner(s) [their family members,
    tenants, guests, employees, servants, agents, or invitees, and shall be assessed by the Board for the
    repair and replacement thereof.”
  • Obstruction of Access Ways
    Except as otherwise stated in the CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations, the sidewalks, entrances,
    passages, courts, corridors, and stairways comprising the access ways of the common
    area shall not be obstructed or used for any purpose other than for coming and going to
    and from the condominium Units.
  • Equipment Adjustment
    No person shall tamper with or attempt to adjust, except in an emergency, any operating
    piece of equipment, valve, electrical component, gas or water connection within the common
    area without the prior approval of the Board of Directors.
  • Property Removal
    No person is permitted to borrow or remove any of the Association’s equipment or property
    from any common area.
  • Admittance
    All lockable gates and entrances to the Property must remain closed and locked at all times
    they are not in immediate use. Permission to enter the Complex is granted only to Owners,
    Residents, and their Guests. Residents should not admit any unknown person into the Complex
    who is unable to display an authorized Courtyards access key or key card.
  • Roof, Wall and Fence Access
    No person is permitted upon any roof, wall, or fence without prior Board of Directors approval.
  • Plants
    No person other than persons authorized by the Board of Directors shall plant, place, remove,
    clip or tamper with any plant, bush, tree, flower, or shrub within or on any common
    area. Recommendations concerning planting may be submitted to the Board of Directors or
    to the Property Manager.
  • Posting Notices
    No notices, advertisements, or signs of any kind, except those authorized by the Board of
    Directors, may be posted by anyone anywhere other than the areas indicated in #’s 9 and
    10, below. Unauthorized notices posted elsewhere in the common areas of the Complex including,
    but norlimited to, outside entry gates and doors, will be immediately removed by
    management personnel.
  • Real Estate Signs
    The Board of Directors has designated an area and provided a method for Owners to display
    real estate: “For Sale”, “For Lease”, or “For Rent” signs. Owners wishing to display such
    signs may contact the Property Manager for the proper procedures. No real estate signs may
    be posted except as so provided or as otherwise allowed by law. Owners are responsible for
    attaining all policy information from the management offices regarding real estate agent activity,
    including but not limited to location of lock boxes.
  • Mailbox Area Cork Boards
    Only Owners or Residents may post their personal notices on the corkboards located outside
    the mail lobby. No notice shall exceed 8   inches x 5  inches nor shall it remain posted for
    longer than 2 weeks, unless prior approval is obtained from the Property Manager. All notices
    must be dated upon posting. The Property Manager is responsible for updating the information
    on the corkboards, and management personnel will remove all notices out of compliance
    with this regulation. No one other than management personnel or the Owner or Resident
    who posted the notice may remove notices. More than one copy of the same notice may
    not be posted.
  • “Smoking” and “No Smoking” Areas
    A. Establishment of “Smoking / No Smoking” Areas
    The Board of Directors of The Courtyards of West Hollywood Homeowners Association,
    Inc. may designate “Smoking” and “No Smoking” areas on and upon the Complex.
    B. Signs
    Persons shall obey any and all “No Smoking” signs posted on and upon the Property.
    C. Disposal of Smoking Materials
    Cigarettes must be discarded in ashtrays only. Discarding ashes or cigarettes (lit or
    unlit) from any balcony patio or roof deck is prohibited.
    D. Designated Areas
    No smoking is permitted in enclosed common areas, including but not limited to garages,
    hallways, roofs, the gym, laundry rooms, Office, Club Room, library/ conference
    room, mail room or elevators and any ground level common areas, except for
    specially designated areas around the pool or spa.
  • Door-to-Door Canvassing
    A. Non-residents
    ResidenJs and non-resident Owners may not permit or encourage non-residents to
    make solicitations of any sort in any common area or to post notices on any door or
    gate or anywhere upon the Property. This Rule also applies to non-resident Owners.
    B. Residents
    The Residents in The Courtyards of West Hollywood have shown themselves to be
    individuals who are very active in their comm unity and to perm it door-to-door canvassing
    on a Unit-to-Unit basis except as herein provided would be burdensome to
    Members of the Association and disruptive of their quiet enjoyment of the premises.
    Therefore, “door-to-door canvassing” is permitted only by and under the auspices of
    the Board of Directors or any committee of the Homeowners Association. As used
    herein “door-to-door canvassing” shall mean and refer to contacting each Unit in the
    Complex by knocking on doors or by using the entry phone system for any purpose,
    including, but not limited to, recruiting or seeking support for any political, financial or
    civic causes. No written communications may be left in doorways except with Association
    approval. Any such approved distributions which remain on common area for
    more than 24 hours are subject to removal by the Association.
  • Sexual Activity
    Sexual activity in any common area including exclusive use common area, ie. balconies, ground
    floor patio’s and roof top patio’s is prohibited.
    Section VII : Recyclables & Trash
    The term “recyclables” as used herein shall mean and refer to paper, plastic, glass and aluminum
    products. The term ‘1rash” (or “garbage”) as used herein shall mean and refer to any products which
    are not recyclable. Recycling bins are provided throughout the Complex. Several trash chutes are
    located on each floor of the buildings for the disposal of trash.
  • Trash Disposal
    Residents shall secure all trash tied in plastic garbage bags and deposit them in the trash
    chutes or dumpsters only between the hours of 7 a. m. and 1 Op. m. No one shall place objects
    so as to cause the chutes to become clogged.
  • Chute Areas
    No one shall leave anything in and around the chutes and / or trash disposal areas. Residents
    shall leave trash disposal areas clean.
  • Large Item Disposal
    Items too large for placement in the chutes must not be placed in the chutes, but instead
    must be carried to the dumpsters and must be placed directly in the dumpsters. Large trash
    dumpsters are located beneath the chutes in the garages. Furniture and similar large items
    may not be left anywhere on the premises or in trash rooms. Owners of such items must
    make their own arrangements for the disposal of such items.
  • Common Areas
    No Owner or Resident shall leave any trash or refuse container in the hallways, doorways, or
    any common area at any time (See Security & Safety Rules).
  • Ashtrays
    Ashtrays installed throughout the Complex are to be used only to extinguish and discard
    cigarettes and other smoking materials. No other materials, especially paper, may be placed
    in the ashtrays, because to do so may create a fire hazard.
  • Recycling
    Residents shall deposit recyclable paper, plastic, glass and aluminum products in the proper
    recycling bins provided throughout the Complex. Recyclable items are listed in the Recycling
    Guide available from the Management Office and as may be posted.
  • Contamination of Recycling Bins
    Recycling bins are to be used for recyclable material only, not as trash dumpsters. Items deposited
    in the bins are to be rinsed and are not to be contaminated by food or excessive water.
  • Removal of Materials
    No one may remove recyclable items from the recycling bins, except persons authorized to
    do so by the City_of West Hollywood and/or the Board of Directors.
  • Penalties
    The Board of Directors may levy a Monetary Penalty Assessment for each and every infraction
    of this section, including, but not limited to those paragraphs pertaining to recycling.
    Section VIII: Laundry Rooms
  • Authorized Users
    The card-operated washers and dryers located on the premises are for the exclusive use of
    Residents and their Guests and domestics. No one, including non-resident Owners, may use
    the laundry rooms in a manner which is burdensome to the Association.
  • Machine Attendance
    When using laundry equipment, Residents may not leave washed or dried laundry in the machine(
    s) any longer than required by the washing and/or drying cycles. Average wash time is
    35 minutes, average drying time is 45 minutes. Residents shall return to the laundry room on
    a timely basis to remove their items so that others may use the equipment.
  • Breakdowns
    Malfunctioning machines shall be reported to the service company and to the Property Manager’s
    office and/or to the Management Company.
  • Cleanliness
    Users of the laundry rooms and laundry equipment shall leave such rooms and equipment
    clean and orderly. Users shall clean lint traps after each use. All spills shall be mopped up,
    wiped up or cleaned up. The laundry machines shall not be overloaded.
  • Security
    Laundry rooms are to remain closed and locked at all times when the rooms are left unattended.
    The windows in the laundry are to remain closed at all times.
  • Liability
    The Courtyards of West Hollywood Homeowners Association, Inc., and its Agents do not
    guard nor assume custody or control of property or contents in any of the laundry rooms and
    are not responsible for fire, theft, damage or loss thereof. No bailment is created hereby.
    Section IX: Recreation Areas
    Maintenance of the recreation areas is paid for by the Association. Damage to the recreation
    areas and their amenities, whether through negligence or extraordinary wear and tear, creates
    an expense-which is costly to all. The purpose of these rules is, in part, to minimize such
  • General
    A. Authorized Users
    None of the recreation areas or any other facility of The Complex is open to the public
    or designated as a public facility, for public accommodation or for public use. Recreation
    areas are for the use of Resident Owners, Resident non-owners, and invited
    guests of Residents, only. No one may use the recreation areas and/or facilities in a
    manner which is burdensome to the Association.
    B. Safety
    All persons must comply with the safety and use procedures posted in and around
    the pool/spa, gym and sauna areas. Users of these facilities do so at their own risk
    and assume full responsibility for their own safety and well-being as well as the
    safety and well-being of their guests.
    C. Glass
    In order to prevent accidents and personal injury, no one may bring into or use any
    glassware while in any of the recreation areas, with the exception of the Club Room.
    D. Furniture & Fixtures
    No one except Courtyards maintenance and/or management personnel may remove
    any furniture or fixtures from any of the recreation areas.
    E. Residential Uses
    No recreation area may be used for residential purposes, such as sleeping overnight
    at any time, or washing or drying of clothing, the maintenance of personal hygiene or
    changing of wardrobe on a regular basis. No one may foster or accommodate these
    activities by others.
    F. Sexual Activity
    Sexual activity in the recreation areas is prohibited.
    G. Illegal Activities
    Illicit and illegal activities, including, but not limited to, gambling, are prohibited in the
    recreation areas.
    H. Cleanliness / Lost & Found
    Residents and guests are responsible for leaving the recreation areas in the same
    clean condition as they found then and shall not leave behind any items they brought
    into the.area except those placed in appropriate trash receptacles and ashtrays. Any
    such items left behind will be kept for a reasonable time in the Lost and Found Department
    of the Property Manager’s Office. The Association will attempt to notify the
    owner of such items.
    I. Pets
    No pets are permitted in the pool area, library/ conference room, Club Room, gym,
    saunas or laundry rooms.
    J. Supervision of Minors
    Children under 18 years of age must have a parent or adult guardian present on the
    Project or available at all times that said children are in any recreation area(s). Parents
    or guardians are responsible for their children’s behavior and for being readily
    available to give consent for medical treatment, if necessary.
  • Library / Conference Room
    A. Conference Room may be reserved in the Management Office for a three-hour period.
    Library/ Conference Room hours are 7 a. m. to
    10 p. m. seven days a week.
    B. The Library offers books and videocassettes for Residents’ enjoyment. It works on
    an honor system. Residents must return items that they borrow in a timely fashion.
  • Mail Room
    A. No unauthorized postings
    B. Laundry cards available in Mail Room
  • Swimming Pool & Spa (See also “General” – Additional rules apply)
    A. Hours
    Swimming pool/ spa hours are from 8 AM to 1 O PM, Sunday through Thursday, and
    8 AM to 12 Midnight, Friday and Saturday.
    B. Liability
    NO LIFEGUARD IS ON DUTY! Users of the swimming pool and spa do so at their
    own risk and assume full responsibility for their own safety and well-being as well as
    the safety and well-being of their guests.
    C. Supervision of minors
    (1) Children 14 years of age and younger: must be accompanied and supervised
    by a parent or adult guardian at all times that said children are in the
    pool, spa, or surrounding common areas.
    (2) Children over 14 years of age and under 18 years of age: must have a parent
    or adult guardian present on the Complex at all times that said children
    are in the pool, spa, or surrounding common area. Parents or guardians are
    responsible for their children’s behavior and for being readily available to
    give consent for medical treatment, if necessary.
    D. Contamination
    Because of the danger of contamination of the water, any person who is wearing
    diapers, who is not toilet trained, or who may be incontinent are not permitted to enter
    the pool or spa.
    E. Behavior
    Running, rowdy, raucous or unruly behavior is prohibited in the pool/ spa area.
    F. Maintenance
    Use of the pool or spa during maintenance activities or when chemicals are being
    added is prohibited.
    G. Health-Related Limitations
    Persons with skin diseases, open sores, inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharges, or
    any diseases which are readily communicable to others by the common use of the
    pool or spa are expected to respect the health of others and shall not enter or use
    the pool or spa.
    H. Filter-related Limitations
    To protect pumps and prevent clogging of the filters, users of the pool and spa are
    responsible to:
    (1) confine long hair by wearing a bathing cap or tying long hair into a pony tail;
    (2) wear appropriate swimming attire;
    (3) avoid bringing into the pool or spa any material or item that could cone off
    and clog or damage the machinery. Do not use the pool or spa after applying
    suntan oil’s or lotion, as this may damage equipment. In order to protect
    pool equipment, we encourage the use of lotion only. I. Use of Furniture
    Lounges and/or chairs are available on a first come/ first served basis; they may not
    be “saved” for someone not there or “reserved” for later use. Users of the pool/spa
    area are expected to return chairs and lounges to their proper place and may not
    block pedestrian pathways at any time.
    J. Guests / Parties
    Residents are expected to limit the number of their guests using the pool/spa area to
    no more than four per Unit at any one time and may not obstruct the use of the pool
    or spa by others. Residents may not commandeer the pool or spa area for private
    pool parties or similar activities.
    K. Exclusions from Area
    Pets, bicycles, skateboards, roller skates or other wheeled vehicles are not permitted
    in the pool/ spa area. Baby strollers with good brakes are only permitted in the common
    area surrounding the pool/spa area, and are not permitted in the pool/ spa area
    L. Spa Equipment
    When users of the spa have finished, they must turn off the equipment to prevent
    damage and fire hazards.
    M. Clothing
    The Courtyards of West Hollywood is NOT designated as a clothing-optional community.
    It is customary to wear appropriate bathing attire in the pool/spa area. The
    Courtyards of West Hollywood is not responsible for damage to clothing or any other
    personal property in the pool / spa area.
    (See also General – Additional rules apply.)
    A. Use
    The gym hours are 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. daily. The gym room is provided for exercise
    activities only, and its users shall restore all equipment to its proper resting position
    after they have finished using such equipment.
  • Safety
    Use of the gym equipment is at own risk. Users of the gym room should consult with
    their physician or other health care practitioner before using exercise equipment at
    The Courtyards of West Hollywood. No representation as to the suitability or safety
    of any equipment is made by The Courtyards of West Hollywood.
    C. Signs
    Users of the gym room shall obey all posted signs in the gym room.
  • Saunas (see also “General” – Additional rules apply.)
    A. Gender Designation
    Only males may use the men’s sauna, and only females may use the women’s
    sauna, with the customary exception of very young children. Each sauna is part of its
    respective men’s and women’s restroom facility, which is used by employees, contractors,
    and persons in the area of the gym and laundry room. Accordingly, the saunas
    do not afford their users with privacy.
    B. Signs
    Users of the saunas shall obey all signs posted thereabout.
    C. Equipment
    When users of the saunas have finished, they shall shut off the controls to prevent
    damage and fire hazards.
    D. Supervision of Minors
    (a) Children 14 years of age and younger: must be accompanied and supervised
    by a parent or adult guardian at all times they are in the sauna.
    (b) Children over 14 years of age and under 18 years of age: must have a parent
    or adult guardian present on the Project or available at all times that said children
    are in the sauna, for the purpose of being responsible for these children’s
    behavior and for being readily available to give consent for medical treatment,
    if necessary.
    D. Hours for Bathroom and Saunas
    Bathrooms and saunas are open daily from 8:00 a.m – 10:00 p.m. Sunday – Thursday
    and 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. Friday- Saturday.
  • Club Room
    A. Use Permit
    The Club Room may be reserved for use by Resident Owners and Resident nonowners
    only, according to the terms and conditions of the Club Room Agreement by
    and between the user and The Courtyards of West Hollywood Homeowners Association
    Inc., the provisions of which are incorporated herein by reference as though fully
    set forth.
    B. Liability
    The Resident Owner or Resident non-owner reserving the Club Room shall provide
    evidence of primary liability coverage for use of the Club Room. Such proof of insurance
    must be provided to and found acceptable by the location Manager before the
    Club Room may be used.
    C. Security
    The Club Room shall remain locked at all times except when in use. The Resident
    reserving the room must be present whenever the room is being used, pursuant to
    prior arrangement made with the Property Manager.
    D. Restrictions
    The Club Room is not available for commercial purposes or for any event which is advertised
    or made available to the general public.
    E. Cleanliness
    Residents who reserve the Club Room for private purposes are required to clean it
    immediately and throw out trash upon completion of use, pursuant to arrangements
    made with the Property Manager. Alternately, the room will be cleaned by maintenance
    personnel for a charge which will be deducted from the security deposit in
    accordance with the terms and conditions of the Club Room Agreement. Accordingly,
    a percentage of the security deposit, as described in the Agreement referenced
    above, must be paid in cash or by separate cashier’s check.
    F. Special Uses
    The Board or authorized committees of the Association may reserve the Club Room
    for official Association related business and functions without payment of the security
    deposit or cleaning fee.
    G. Hours and Noise
    No event held in the Club Room may begin earlier than 10 AM nor end later than
    midnight, with the exception of Association-sponsored events. Users are reminded,
    however, that no loud noises are permitted at any time and noises emanating from
    the Club Room past 10 PM. must not be audible more than 10 feet from the Club
    Room. (Please see section, “Getting Along”)
    H. Limitations re: Pool & Spa
    Authorization for use of the Club Room does not include use of the pool / spa facilities.
    All event activities so authorized must be confined to the Club Room.
  • Outdoor Areas (See also “General” – Additional rules apply.)
    Outdoor areas, such as benches and open spaces in the Square, Creon, Gazebo, Entry
    Court and other such as identified on page 97 of the CC&Rs may not be reserved to the exclusion
    of other individuals who are authorized to be upon the Complex. Flowerbeds may not
    be walked on or sat upon, and no lawns or flowerbeds may be used for recreational activities.
    Section X: Moving
    The term “moving” as used herein shall mean and refer to bringing into or taking throughout the
    Complex and any of its common areas, the following items, including, but not limited to, bulky personal
    belongings and / .or household furnishings, and similar things, when a Resident or potential
    Resident is moving into or out of the Complex. Such moving may burden the Association with potential
    damage, liabilities, or loss of use of any of its component assets for any period(s) of time and may
    tend to breach the security of the Complex. Accordingly, the Board of Directors has a fiduciary obligation
    to all Members of the Association to set forth the following restrictions on moving.
    The term “Resident” as used herein shall mean and refer to any person who has been resident at
    The Courtyards and who is moving out of the Property. The term “potential Resident” as used herein
    shall mean and refer to any person who has not been resident at The Courtyards and who is moving
    into the Property.
    The term “origin” as used herein shall mean and refer to the Unit in The Courtyards from which any
    Resident is moving, and the term “destination” as used herein shall mean and refer to the Unit in The
    Courtyards to which any potential Resident is moving.
  • Scheduling In Advance
    A. Required Scheduling
    All moving must be scheduled in advance with Property Manager.
    B. Route Determination
    In such scheduling, arrangements shall be made for such moving which will utilize
    the best entrance and route through the Complex.
    C. Coordination
    The date and time of moving will be agreed upon and arrangements made for padding
    an elevator, if needed.
    D. Deposit Payment
    If not already done, the Moving Security Deposit of $250 will be paid.
    E. Elevator Use
    Only one elevator may be used for moving. Elevators must be shared with other
    Residents during moving and elevators may not be commandeered. Elevators are to
    be returned to normal use when items being moved have been off-loaded. Persons
    moving shall inform their movers of this requirement. Elevators will be padded in advance
    of moving, if required by the Location Manager. The costs of the elevator pads
    not returned within one business day of moving will be deducted from the Moving
    Security Deposit with any excess assessed to the account of the Owner(s) of the
    Unit in The Courtyards which was the origin or destination of moving. (Please see
    Table of Fees and Monetary Penalties.)
  • Fees
    A. Required
    A Moving. Security Deposit in an amount set by the Board of Directors shall be made
    for each moving occurrence by all Residents or potential Residents, according to the
    definition of “moving” as set forth above. Compliance is the ultimate responsibility of
    the Owner(s) of the Unit(s) which are the origin and/or destination of such moving.
    B. In Escrow
    On sale of a Unit, the Moving Security Deposit is payable through escrow at closing,
    if not paid through escrow then directly through the Property Manager’s office prior to
    the date for which the moving has been scheduled in accordance with paragraphs

1-3 of this section. Failure to make the Moving Security Deposit prior to moving into

or out of the Property, whether or not said failure was the responsibility of the escrow,
sales, or other agent, will subject the Owner(s) of that Unit which was the destination
or origin of such moving to the assessments and restrictions set forth in this
C. Other Moves
In all other instances of moving, this Moving Security Deposit shall be made by all
Residents or potential Residents, according to the definition of “moving” as set forth
above. This deposit is payable to the Property Manager’s office prior to the date
scheduled, in accordance with this section.
D. Failure to Pay
Failure to make any Moving Security Deposit in advance as required by this section
shall result in a Monetary Penalty Assessment in the same amount as the Moving
Security Deposit currently established levied against the account of the Owner(s) of
the Unit in The Courtyards which was the origin or destination of moving, and this
assessment will be subject to established late fees and costs of collection. No directory
board changes, entry phone coding, and/or issuance of additional keys, key
cards, and remotes will be done until the Moving Security Deposit and any late fees
and/or Monetary Penalty Assessments and any costs of are paid in full.

  1. Refunds
    A. Inspection For Damage
    An inspection will be made by the senior maintenance employee and / or the Property
    Manager of the common area route used in each move on the next business
    day following the move. If no loss or damage, as described herein, is found in this
    inspection or reported by anyone within thirty (30) days of the date of such moving,
    and no Monetary Penalty Assessments have been levied due to any violation(s) of
    these rules, and no claims have been made as the result of such moving, the Property
    Manager will authorize the Managing Agent to issue a refund in the full amount
    of the Moving Security Deposit.
    B. Deductions for Damage
    Charges for loss or damage, Monetary Penalty Assessments, costs of any other
    claims of the Association which accrue hereunder will be deducted from the Moving
    Security_Deposit, and the balance if any, returned to the depositor.
    C. Reporting Violations
    Residents are responsible to promptly report to the Property Manager any observed
    violations of this Moving Policy.
  2. Parking, Noise, Hours & Security While Moving
    Residents and potential Residents and their tenants, roommates, family members agents,
    Guests, and invitees and moving company personnel shall comply with the Noise, Garage,
    Security, and all other sections of these Rules and Regulations, as well as all other governing
    documents of the Association. Residents and potential Residents and the Owners of
    Units which are the origin and/or destination of moving, shall supervise anyone helping them
    and/or their tenants, roommates, family members, agents, Guests, and invitees in moving,
    including, but not limited to, moving company personnel and are liable for any failure of the
    above-described persons to comply with these rules.
  3. Association’s Right to Cancel Moving in Progress
    The Courtyards of West Hollywood Homeowners Association, Inc. reserves the right to cancel
    any scheduled or non-scheduled move through the intervention of security personnel
    and/or law enforcement authorities in any move where it is found that any of the parties described
    in paragraphs #1-3 of this section, are not cooperating with Courtyards security,
    management, or maintenance personnel with respect to procedures for moving. All costs for
    such intervention shall be assessed first to the Moving Security Deposit, and the balance, if
    any, to the account of the Owner(s) of the Unit in The Courtyards which was the origin and /
    or destination of moving, and this assessment will be subject to established late fees and
    costs of collection. No directory board changes, entry phone coding, and issuance of additional
    keys, key cards and remotes will be done until such assessment and any late fees
    and/or costs and Monetary Penalty Assessments are paid in full.
  4. Liability for Negligence and Breaches of Security
    In addition to the other provisions of this section, any damages, whether to the common area
    or to person or property, due to any negligence or intentional act or omission of any of the
    parties described in paragraphs #1-3 of this section, as the result of moving, or any breaches
    of security occurring during such moving, including, but not limited to indemnification claims
    of the Association, shall be deducted from the Moving Security Deposit, and the balance, if
    any, assessed to the account of the Owner(s) of the Unit in The Courtyards which was the
    origin and/or destination of moving, and this assessment will be subject to established late
    fees and costs of collecting. No directory board changes, entry phone coding, or issuance of
    additional keys, key cards and remotes will be done until any such damages, including the
    Association’s claims for expressed indemnification, are settled.
    Section XI: Pets
  5. Definition of “Pet(s)”
    “Pet(s)” shall mean and refer to dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals, which do not require
    a wild animal permit, and which are owned, kept, maintained, or harbored within the Complex.
    “Pet(s)” shall not include livestock.
  6. Registration
    A. Permit
    All pets must be registered by their owners with the Association. Residents must provide
    a current photograph of their pet with registration. Allowable pets are those registered
    with the Association and which are the subject of a permit from the Association.
    B. Approval Requirements
    Approval of a Pet Permit may require that the following information be supplied together
    with any other such information deemed necessary by the Board of Directors: (a) a
    statement from a licensed veterinarian as to the pet’s temperament; (b) a statement as
    to the pet’s current and projected adult weight and height; (c) a statement as to grounds,
    if any why an exemption from the requirements of a subsection 5 of this section should
    be granted.
    C. Penalties
    Monetary Penalty assessments may be levied for failure to register pets. Additionally,
    penalty assessments may be levied, and/or Pet Permits may be revoked for falsification
    of any portion of such registration. Pet Permits are revocable at any time for cause by
    the Association after a duly noticed hearing.
  7. Wild Animals / Commercial Purposes
    No person may own, keep, breed, maintain or harbor within the Property any bird, reptile or
    other animal for commercial purposes, including kenneling or breeding, or in unreasonable numbers.
    No wild animal, livestock, poultry or dangerous dog, whether or not kept for commercial
    purposes, may be owned, kept, bred, maintained or harbored within the Project.
  8. Pet to Unit Ratio
    In order to minimize noise, odors, damage, and other disturbances caused by animals, the Association
    hereby adopts the following domestic pet to Unit ratio: not more than two cats or two
    dogs standing not more than 24 inches high at its/their shoulders, per Unit. Any exceptions
    must be approved by the Board of Directors.
  9. Vaccinations
    All dogs and cats shall receive a rabies vaccine within 15 days of moving into a Unit. if the dog
    or cat was less than one year old when originally vaccinated, it shall be revaccinated within 12
    months. Every dog or cat more than two years old shall be revaccinated every 36 months.
  10. Licensing
    All dogs and cats shall be licensed and shall wear license tags at all times when in the common
  11. Control of Pets in Common Areas
    Persons must carry any pet(s) or cause such pet(s) to be leashed at all times that such pet(s)
    are in the common area. Pets may not defecate in common areas. Any accidents must be
    cleaned up by the pet owner immediately. This includes dogs that may urinate on any hardscaped
  12. Feeding
    Pets must be fed within their respective owner(s)’ Units. To promote humane treatment of
    pets and to prevent unwanted insects, rodents, or other pests, no one may place any foods,
    water, poisons, or substances used to attract pets in any open area, including, but not limited
    to, common areas, Balconies, Patios, or Roof Decks.
  13. Cleanliness
    Persons shall immediately clean up and properly dispose of any waste material from any pet
    (s) under their care, with an appropriate device for collecting such material.
  14. Damage
    The owner(s) of any pet(s) are responsible for any damage to the common area caused by
    their pet(s) and such owner(s) will be assessed for the costs of repair and/or replacement
  15. Noise
    Owners shall keep their pets from barking or emitting any other noise which interferes with
    the comfortable enjoyment of life and property by the other residents.
  16. Nuisance
    The owner(s) of any pet(s) are responsible for promptly abating any nuisance caused by
    their pet(s). Failure to promptly abate any such nuisance may subject the owner(s) of such
    pet(s) to Monetary Penalty Assessment(s). For the purposes of this subsection, the word
    “nuisance” includes any noxious, offensive or illegal activity, or anything which may become
    a nuisance or cause unreasonable annoyance, disturbance, or embarrassment to other
    Residents in their use and enjoyment of their Units or the common area.
  17. Off-Limit Areas
    No person may bring any pet(s) into any enclosed common area, including, but not limited
    to, the Club Room, gym, sauna & pool, excluding the elevators.
  18. Loose Pets
    A. Capture & Boarding
    If a loose pet is seen for up to three days in the Common Areas, such pet will be collected
    and boarded in a holding area in the Complex while the owner is located and notified.
    B. Owner Not Found
    If, after a period of three days, the owner of a loose pet boarded by the Association cannot
    be found, animal rescue organizations will be contacted in an effort to have the pet
    placed in a ”foster” home until such time as a new home can be located for the pet. The
    Courtyards Management Office will maintain an updated list, with contact information, of
    such organizations.
    C. Pet Traps
    The Association will furnish a pet trap to Residents seeking relief from the damage
    caused by loose pets on their Patios, Balconies and Roof Decks, provided:
    (1) Such trap or leash is one designed to trap and/or hold animals in a humane
    (2) Such trap or leash is set up under the supervision of The Courtyards maintenance
    (3) In the case of a trap, the trap is checked at least twice a day;
    (4) If a pet is captured, it is surrendered to the Management Office or maintenance
    personnel as soon as possible;
    (5) If a pet is captured during hours when Courtyards personnel are unavailable,
    adequate food, water, and shelter are to be provided until these persons are
    available to receive the animal.
    D. Missing Pets
    Any Owner who is aware of a lost or wondering pet, should report that information
    to the management office
  19. Penalties
    (1) The owner will receive a Written Warning for a first offense; if the pet is found loose
    again the owner(s) will become subject to a Monetary Penalty Assessment. If the pet is
    found loose a third time and any time thereafter, the owner(s) will become subject to
    additional Monetary Penalty Assessments each time. Additionally, the owner will be
    charged a fee for each day or portion of a day the pet is boarded by the Association.
    (2) Owners found in violation of any other pet policy will be subject to Monetary Penalty
    Assessment as imposed by the Board of Directors.
    Section XII: Architecture and Aesthetics
    Pursuant to the CC&Rs, Architectural Standards and associated agreements, nothing shall be done in,
    on, or to any Unit or any common area or any restricted common area which will impair the structural
    integrity of any Building or any portion thereof or which would alter or deviate from a uniform and reasonably
    high standard of artistic result and attractiveness in exterior and physical appearance.
  20. Changes to Common Area
    No Owner or Resident shall make any alteration, addition, deletion, or modification to any portion
    of the common area or to any restricted common area, including, but not limited to, Roof
    Decks, Balconies and Patios, nor shall such Owner or Resident install, attach, paste, affix or
    remove by any method any lighting, decoration, antennas, clotheslines, or any article or thing
    upon any element of the common area without prior authorization of the Board of Directors.
  21. Authorization
    Owners seeking authorization for structural or architectural changes or enhancements must first
    submit a written proposal to the Board of Directors for its approval. Specifications for the proposed
    work, plus a certificate indicating approval of the City of West Hollywood for such structural
    or architectural changes or enhancements, if required by the City, and any other such
    documentation as may be required by the Board of Directors, must be included. Owners must
    comply with all applicable City, County, State, and Federal ordinances and statutes and approval
    by the Board of Directors of any such proposal does not relieve Owners from such compliance.
    Certificates of compliance with same are required to be filed in the office of the Property
    Manager upon completion of any such proposed work which has been approved by the Board of
  22. Responsibilities
    Work personnel are to leave common areas in a clean condition. No modifications may be made
    to the common area structure. Notice is hereby given that repair, alteration, installation and/or
    remodeling work within a Unit are excluded from coverage under the Association’s master insurance
    policy, and are the sole responsibility of the Unit Owner(s) and his/her/their personal insurance
    coverage to pay for repair or replacement in the event of damage or loss.
  23. Construction Noise
    A. Monday – Friday
    No noise-making work may begin before 9 am nor continue beyond 5 pm, Monday
    through Friday.
    B. Saturday
    On Saturdays, no noise-making work may begin before 1 O am nor continue beyond 5
    C. Sunday
    No construction noise is permitted on Sundays.
    D. Holidays
    No construction noise is permitted on holidays.
  24. Doormats
    Having a doormat at the entrance to a Unit is permitted when in conformance with the specifications
    which may be stated from time to time by the Board of Directors and which may take
    into account varying designs of entry alcoves. Such doormats must be safe and must not extend
    beyond the entry alcove area. Owners and Residents must label such doormats with their
    Unit numbers on the reverse side of each doormat to facilitate easy return to the Unit entry
    when the hallway carpet is being cleaned.
  25. Window Coverings
    Windows may be covered only with draperies, curtains, shutters, blinds, or other suitable, permanent
    window coverings which are of a neutral color that conforms to a uniform and reasonably
    high standard of artistic result and attractiveness in exterior and physical appearance, and
    same must be installed on the inside of the window. No Owner or Resident shall hang, install,
    or affix, or cause to be hung, installed or affixed, any temporary window or door coverings or
    seasonal decorations for longer than one month.
    Section XIII: Violations and Enforcement
    For the purpose of this section, “rule” means any rule and/or regulation or provision of any governing
    document, including the CC&Rs and the By-Laws. A Table of Fees and Monetary Penalties which
    are authorized for collection under Civil Code Section I362(h)(i), shall be adopted and distributed by first
    class mail to all homeowners pursuant to CC Sec. 1363(h)(i), and shall also be available in the Property
    Manager’s Office.
  26. Your Right to Report
    A. Report Promptly
    Residents should promptly report observed violations of these Rules and Regulations to
    the Property Manager, Managing Agent, and/or director of the Association for documentation
    and appropriate action.
    B. Courtesy Reminder
    Residents may also give a Courtesy Reminder to any offender. (Please see below)
    C. Other Authorities
    Anyone who notices violations of local, state or federal law should report them to the
    appropriate authorities.
  27. Mandatory Duty to Report
    Residents shall immediately report infractions which involve safety, potential liability or damage
    to the Complex to the Property Manager, Managing Agent, and/or director of the Association in
    order to protect the Association and its Members from injury, damage and from liability, pursuant
  28. Effect of Delayed Reporting
    Residents may jeopardize their attempts to seek the assistance of the Association in disciplining
    any Association Member responsible for any infraction if such Residents fail to promptly or immediately
    report such infraction as described in subsections 1 and 2, above. Residents should
    also present any corroborating evidence of any such infraction.
  29. Encouraging Compliance
    A. Courtesy Reminder
    A Courtesy Reminder is a neighborly way to remind any person residing in or visiting the
    Property about a rule or regulation or other provision in the Association’s governing
    documents. A Courtesy Reminder may be given verbally or in writing by anyone to inform
    the recipient that a rule or regulation, or other equitable servitude, is in effect. Issuance
    of a Courtesy Reminder is not a presumption that there has been a violation of the
    B. Urgency Warning
    A rules violation which is so unsafe as to cause a reasonable person to foresee that if it
    continues it is likely to cause injury to persons or damage to the Complex may subject
    the offender to an Urgency Warning. An Urgency Warning may be given verbally or in
    writing directly to an offender by any Director or officer of the Association and if the
    situation which is the subject of the violation continues after the Urgency Warning is
    given, then the violation shall be referred to the Board of Directors for determination of
    whether a Monetary Penalty Assessment will be levied.
    C. Written warning
    A Written Warning or reprimand may be issued at the discretion of the Board of Directors
    of the Association and kept on file.
    D. Monetary Penalty Assessment
    Monetary Penalty Assessments may be levied against an Association Member under
    Sections 2.34, 2.13(a), 2.48, 2.13(a), and 2.22 or the CC&Rs for the following:
    (a) Violation of a rule; or
    (b) Subsequent violations of a rule or repeated violations of any rule within the
    same section; or
    (c) Failure to remedy any Urgency Warning.
    Monetary Penalty Assessments may be levied in a duly noticed hearing by the Board of
    Directors and may be based on factors including, but not limited to, the severity of the
    violation and number of rules violated in the incident which is the subject of the hearing.
    Previous Written warnings may be taken into consideration with regard to levying a
    Monetary Penalty Assessment, but may not be used as evidence of the facts of the incident
    which is the subject of the hearing.
  30. Ordinary Penalty Considerations
    The Board of Directors shall ordinarily impose Monetary Penalty Assessments as follows:
    Low Monetary Penalty Assessment or Written Warning
    Medium Penalty Assessment
    High Penalty Assessment
    Penalties are as defined in the Table of Fees and Monetary Penalties which are adopted by the
    Board of Directors, published annually as required by Civil Code Section 1363(h)(i) and adjusted
    from time to time by the Board of Directors. A Low Monetary Penalty Assessment or Written
    Warning may be levied for a first violation. A Medium Monetary Penalty Assessment shall be
    imposed for a subsequent violation of a rule or repeated violations of any rule within the same
    section. A High Monetary Penalty Assessment shall be imposed for each additional violation of
    the same rule or regulation or repeated violations of any rule within the same section.
  31. Extraordinary Penalty Considerations
    A. Ignoring an Urgency Warning
    If there is evidence that a violator had previously received an Urgency Warning and continued
    the violation or repeated the sarne or similar violation, then such violation may be
    considered as though a penalty had been imposed and the Monetary Penalty Assessment
    may be increased to the next level.
    B. Failure to Pay Previously Assessed Monetary Penalties
    If a violator has failed to pay previously assessed monetary penalties, then the Monetary
    Penalty Assessment for the subject violation may be increased to the next level.
    C. Excused Monetary Penalty Assessment
    The Board of Directors in its discretion may excuse payment of a single Monetary Penalty
    Assessment but may do so only once per person, if said person agrees in writing to
    abide by the Rules and Regulations in the future.
  32. Cumulative Remedies
    Assessment of a Monetary Penalty or issuance of a Written Warning or Urgency Warning does
    not in any way limit the ability of the Association to further seek cumulative remedies or injunctive
    relief or to take appropriate legal action, at the expense of the violator, pursuant to the governing
    documents of the Association and Civil Code Sections 1350, et seq.
  33. Principles of Rules Administration
    Enforcement of rules shall be based on the following principles:
    A. No Favoritism
    Decisions of the Board of Directors regarding enforcement of rules violations will be
    based solely on the rule(s) violated and on the facts of each case.
    B. Hearing of Evidence
    At a duly noticed hearing, the Board of Directors will determine, based on the evidence,
    whether or not a rule has been violated.
    C. Consistency
    The Board of Directors shall have examined past practice to determine what type of action
    is to be taken for each type of violation in order to consistently assess reasonable
    D. Retroactive Enforcement
    No new rule shall be enforced retroactively.
    E. Prospective Enforcement
    Lack of enforcement of a rule is not a bar from prospective enforcement, if the Board of
    Directors notifies Members of the Association that future violations of such a rule will be
    End of Rules & Regulations

Table of Fees and Monetary Penalties
• Club Room Deposit: $200 (refundable) Cash or Cashiers Check ONLY!
• CC&Rs
• Condominium Plan
• By Laws
• Fidelity Bond
• Complete Master Policy
• Budget
• Financial Statement
• Reserve Study
• Articles of Incorporation
• Rules & Regulations
• Minutes
$12 (6 sets or less)
• Air Conditioning Filter (Small)
e Air Conditioning Filter (Medium)
• Air Conditioning Filter (Large)
• Copies
• Gate Keys (permanent issue)
• Gate keys (loaner keys)
• Remotes
Facilities Keys
.15  each
$10 (deposit)
• Emergency Repairs $90 per hr (1/2 hr min) + cost of parts
• Garage parking stall cleaning $25
• Admin prep re-finance documents $50
• Admin Services for unit sale (Seller) $190
• Admin Services for unit sale (Buyer) $50
• Use of bicycle storage room $25 per year per bicycle
Club Room Use $25
• Unreturned keys at escrow closing
• Moving Deposit:
Move in processing fee
• Violation of CC&Rs
• First offense loose cat/ dog / pet
” Second offense loose cat / dog/ pet
• Third offense loose cat / dog / pet
$250 (refundable)
e Low
• Medium
e High
• First violation (up to)
• Second violation
• Third violation
• Additional violations (up to)
$100 – $700
$500 – $1000
$3000 (per occurrence)