Arborist Tree Report

In June 2022, The Courtyards had a very well respected arborist conduct an audit on our trees. This report contains the findings. The Board of Directors is working to remedy many of the issues. Some will involve the removal of diseased or dying trees, or trees that are just too large or not meant for… Continue reading Arborist Tree Report

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April 2022

Good afternoon- April 2022 is here, and spring is in full bloom. Be sure to get out to the pool area to enjoy the water. The pool is now heated through the spring and summer for everyone to enjoy. We want to send out Happy Easter, Passover, and Birthday wishes throughout the community. We have a… Continue reading April 2022

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May 2022

Good afternoon- May 2022 is here and spring is in full bloom and summer is just around the corner. We want to wish each and everyone’s mother a Happy Mother’s Day! Happy birthday wishes to everyone celebrating this month. We have a busy schedule this month around the property so let’s get updated on the… Continue reading May 2022

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March 2022

Good afternoon- March 2022 has arrived, and spring is just around the corner. Covid mandates are being lifted and now we look forward to shifting into a new phase of normalcy. In the meantime, we keep pushing forward within the community to maintain our quality of living. The pool opens back up this month as we will… Continue reading March 2022

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February 2022

Upcoming  Board of Directors Meeting-  NEW The next Open Session Board of Directors Meeting will take place on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2022 at 7:00 pm. The site and method will be determined. Please look for postings and emails for updates. New Community Website- UPDATE The new web page is up at . It is… Continue reading February 2022

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October 2021

October 2021 is here! Fall is upon us, though the weather certainly no indication of the season. This month National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please be sure to wear pink in support of the cause and in dedication to those we have lost. A Happy Birthday wish goes out to everyone celebrating this month. Let’s… Continue reading October 2021

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